Twitter fail

Twitter password screw up: Today’s marketing opportunity

Paul GreenUncategorized

Last Updated on October 18, 2024 8:19 am

You've probably heard about today's Twitter password news.

They've had to ask 330 million users to change their password, after discovering them sitting in a plain text file.


This is a marketing opportunity for you today.

Open your CRM and fire off two emails.

Email 1: To existing clients

First, alert them to the news (send them a link to the BBC article on it). You can NEVER assume that people have heard tech news as fast as you have. Or have actually acted on it.

Secondly, remind them that staff often re-use passwords across multiple systems, and this is a good time to teach their teams about good password management. 

Thirdly, if they are worried, offer to do a security scan. And look for wants or needs that you can fulfil. Such as selling them a password manager. 

Email 2: To prospects

This can be a version of the first email. educating the, about what has happened. 

But with a different call to action.

Use this as an opportunity to start a conversation with them. Perhaps you'll tell them what you're doing with your clients (the idea is to show you're more proactive than their incumbent). Perhaps you'll relate it to GDPR. Pick whatever feels comfortable.

Make the call to action something that gets them to engage with you at a strategic level. A comprehensive security scan. Or a network audit. 

You're looking to open the door and start the long and slow sales process when a client leaves another MSP for you.

Don't forget social media

Get something out on all of your channels. For speed, it can be a version of your email.

This is a great time to bolster reputation. The fact we're about to enter a bank holiday weekend, gives you a chance to be faster than your competitors.

Marketing is more about perception than reality. This is a chance to give prospects the perception you are really on top of data security and move faster than most.