Video: How to stand out as different to your many competitors

Video: How to stand out as different to your many competitors

Paul GreenUncategorized

Second of my three videos today, on the subject of getting new clients. The question from David G was: “The biggest thing we find hard to convince is what makes …

2020 Focus area 2) Getting new, quality clients, with less stress

2020 Focus area 2) Getting new, quality clients, with less stress

Paul GreenUncategorized

This series of 5 articles is designed to help you reflect and focus on what’s most important to you in 2020. Previous article: 2020 Focus area 1)Know what you want, …

Quality traffic now costs (in cash or sweat)

Quality traffic now costs (in cash or sweat)

Paul GreenUncategorized

Good quality traffic is no longer free. It hasn’t been for some time, since Google and Facebook made a series of strategic changes over a number of years. These days …

Literally the worst video I've ever seen

Literally the worst video I’ve ever seen

Paul GreenUncategorized

I was quite embarrassed when this friend of mine showed me the video that he had put together to promote his business. Now, let me state for the record. This …

The huge mistake most MSPs make with their brand

The huge mistake most MSPs make with their brand

Paul GreenUncategorized

I try not to write about brand and branding too much. Partly because I prefer to write about a more effective form of marketing, called direct response. That’s where you …

Summer of video marketing: Testimonials made easy

Summer of video marketing: Testimonials made easy

Paul GreenUncategorized

We’re coming to the end of this series, after I declared this to be the summer of video marketing for your MSP. And in my final video today, I top …