3 big MSP marketing priorities for 2025

3 big MSP marketing priorities for 2025

Paul Green

Podcast 2024
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
3 big MSP marketing priorities for 2025

Episode 266 includes 3 big MSP marketing priorities for 2025, and 3 big questions to ask yourself, and this MSP is using a clever backdoor marketing tactic.

Successful MSP owners exercise

Successful MSP owners exercise

Paul Green

Podcast 2024
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Successful MSP owners exercise

Episode 265 includes successful MSP owners exercise, how one client question can turn into 7 pieces of content for your MSP, and this guy phoned 1,000 decision makers… and learned these hard lessons.

Why MSPs procrastinate (and how to cure it)

Why MSPs procrastinate (and how to cure it)

Paul Green

Podcast 2024
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Why MSPs procrastinate (and how to cure it)

Episode 264 includes why MSPs procrastinate (and how to cure it), what technicians write in tickets can damage your brand, and why successful MSPs use PowerPoint to tell stories.

Stop clients calling you personally for first line support

Stop clients calling you personally for first line support

Paul Green

Podcast 2024
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Stop clients calling you personally for first line support

Episode 261 includes stopping clients calling you personally for first line support, why victory loves preparation, and how introverts can communicate more confidently – and feel better about it.

Warning! This friction kills MSPs' sales

Warning! This friction kills MSPs’ sales

Paul Green

Podcast 2024
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Warning! This friction kills MSPs' sales

Episode 256 includes the friction that kills MSPs’ sales, can your MSP’s technicians close this many tickets, and how MSPs manage the conflict of business and parenting.

MSPs: How to minimise interruptions from staff

MSPs: How to minimise interruptions from staff

Paul Green

Podcast 2024
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
MSPs: How to minimise interruptions from staff

Episode 255 includes how to minimise interruptions and stupid questions from staff, 5 big ugly MSP marketing myths BUSTED, and the 3 most important growth things you can do in the final 3 months of the year.

SPECIAL: Transform from MSP owner to entrepreneur

SPECIAL: Transform from MSP owner to entrepreneur

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
SPECIAL: Transform from MSP owner to entrepreneur

In this SPECIAL Episode (250), Brad Martineau and I discuss how to transform from being an MSP owner to being a true entrepreneur, which could change your life for ever.

Episode 247: The 60 hour work myth kills MSPs

The 60 hour work myth kills MSPs

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
The 60 hour work myth kills MSPs

Episode 247 includes the 60 hour work myth kills MSPs, 3 simple questions to max out the rest of 2024 and why techs don’t want to work for you and how to fix that

Episode 246: As the MSP leader, actions beat words

Episode 246: As the MSP leader, actions beat words

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 246: As the MSP leader, actions beat words

Episode 246 includes as an MSP leader actions beat words, how to take a 3 week vacation with ZERO CALLS from your office, this MSP wishes he’d done these 3 things differently