Video: Take a break. You’ll actually get more done

Paul GreenUncategorized

Try as we might to push our bodies and brains to the limits during each work day, we’re not robots. We’re big bags of flesh. And we’re actually more productive …


Your MSP’s most precious and finite resource

Paul GreenUncategorized

Question: What’s the true purpose of your MSP? It’s not to provide managed services, or to keep clients happy. That’s just what it does. I strongly believe that the purpose …

You should only do, what only you can do

The wonderful power of DOA (not Dead On Arrival)

Paul GreenUncategorized

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Fire a client

It’s time to fire that bad client

Paul GreenUncategorized

3 steps to a holiday

How to take a 3 week holiday with no calls from the office

Paul GreenUncategorized

At my MSP Mastermind a few weeks ago, one of my clients was talking about the three week break he’d recently taken from his business. His trip abroad was a …