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Paul GreenUncategorized

I read a lot of business and marketing books (actually, these days I listen to more books on Audible than I read). And I’ve been meaning to tell you about …

Change your mind's slideshow

How to remove overly negative thoughts or persisting worries

Paul GreenUncategorized

And there it is. An overly negative thought or persisting worry has crept into your mind. It happens to all of us at some point in the week. But if …

Change resistance

60 second video: Who’s more change resistant? You or your staff?

Paul GreenUncategorized

I’m starting a new occasional series this week called 60 seconds in Starbucks. I do love a coffee first thing in the morning. It’s my most productive time. So when …


Your MSP’s most precious and finite resource

Paul GreenUncategorized

Question: What’s the true purpose of your MSP? It’s not to provide managed services, or to keep clients happy. That’s just what it does. I strongly believe that the purpose …

You should only do, what only you can do

The wonderful power of DOA (not Dead On Arrival)

Paul GreenUncategorized

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