Episode 188 - How to explain the cloud to prospects

Episode 188: How to explain the cloud to prospects

Paul Green

Episode 188 - How to explain the cloud to prospects
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 188: How to explain the cloud to prospects

Episode 188 includes how to explain the cloud to prospects, getting over you fear of being on camera, and growing yourself to grow your business

Episode 187 - Persuade clients about MFA

Episode 187: Persuade clients about MFA

Paul Green

Episode 187 - Persuade clients about MFA
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 187: Persuade clients about MFA

Episode 187 includes persuading clients to accept MFA, the benefits of posting real photos on your MSP website, and the value of public speaking to your business

Episode 186 - MSPs: A crazy idea to generate clients from LinkedIn TODAY

Episode 186: MSPs: A crazy idea to generate clients from LinkedIn TODAY

Paul Green

Episode 186 - MSPs: A crazy idea to generate clients from LinkedIn TODAY
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 186: MSPs: A crazy idea to generate clients from LinkedIn TODAY

Episode 186 includes marketing & business growth AMA – your questions answered, a crazy idea to generate clients from LinkedIn TODAY, and secure your MSP’s future with differentiation

Episode 185 - 7 MSP website headlines to swipe & adapt

Episode 185: 7 MSP website headlines to swipe & adapt

Paul Green

Episode 185 - 7 MSP website headlines to swipe & adapt
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 185: 7 MSP website headlines to swipe & adapt

Episode 185 includes – upgrade your marketing and sales approach from Passive to Active, seven MSP website headlines to swipe & adapt, and building fruitful long-term relationships with systemised relationship marketing.

Episode 184 - Your MSP's new client paid you HOW MUCH?

Episode 184: Your MSP’s new client paid you HOW MUCH?

Paul Green

Episode 184 - Your MSP's new client paid you HOW MUCH?
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 184: Your MSP's new client paid you HOW MUCH?

Episode 184 includes marketing your MSP is investment not cost, top three lessons on LinkedIn newsletters, and using workplace psychology to help your business grow

Episode 183 - Should MSPs do SEO? My answer might shock you...

Episode 183: Should MSPs do SEO? My answer might shock you…

Paul Green

Episode 183 - Should MSPs do SEO? My answer might shock you...
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 183: Should MSPs do SEO? My answer might shock you...

Episode 183 includes – should MSPs do SEO, improving your outbound call success rate with a ‘pave the way’ letter, and replacing ‘sales’ with ‘invitations’ and ‘conversations’

Episode 182 - Why you must give up your break/fix habit

Episode 182: Why you must give up your break/fix habit

Paul Green

Episode 182 - Why you must give up your break/fix habit
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 182: Why you must give up your break/fix habit

Episode 182 includes why you must give up your break/fix habit, three tips for emergency lead generation, and identifying and remedying failures in B2B sales journeys

Episode 181 - MSPs: Have you worked out your hourly profit per client?

Episode 181: MSPs: Have you worked out your hourly profit per client?

Paul Green

Episode 181 - MSPs: Have you worked out your hourly profit per client?
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 181: MSPs: Have you worked out your hourly profit per client?

Episode 181 includes working out your hourly profit per client, why your clients aren’t terrified of cyber crime, and growing your MSP business via acquisitions

Episode 180 - Why your clients aren't terrified of cyber crime

Episode 180: Why your clients aren’t terrified of cyber crime

Paul Green

Episode 180 - Why your clients aren't terrified of cyber crime
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 180: Why your clients aren't terrified of cyber crime

Episode 180 includes how to not get locked in a ‘prison’ of your own design, why your clients aren’t terrified of cyber crime, and reaching B2B audiences using Facebook ads.

Episode 179 - How to max networking (events not cables)

Episode 179: How to max networking (events not cables)

Paul Green

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast
Episode 179: How to max networking (events not cables)

Episode 179 includes – you can’t expect ‘A Team’ game if you hire ‘B Team’ players, how to max networking (events not cables), and helping MSPs shorten sales cycles and double sales – in 90 days.