Get a better understanding of your prospects' pain points with Five Whys

Get a better understanding of your prospects’ pain points with Five Whys

Paul GreenUncategorized

Last Updated on March 11, 2025 9:35 pm

Ask these 5 simple questions to understand what your MSP's prospects really want, need and fear

No, not Five Guys. That's just a fantastic burger chain.

Five Whys is a problem-solving method developed by Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota. I believe you can use it in your MSP's sales.

You keep asking versions of WHY until you get to the real core of someone's problem or desire. Here's an example.

  • Prospect: We need better internet.
  • You: Why is that?
  • Prospect: Because our connection is crap.
  • You: Why is it crap?
  • Prospect: I dunno... you tell me. My staff complain all the time that their computers are slow.
  • You: Why do you think they do that?
  • Prospect: Because they tell me they can't get their work done fast enough. I'm fed up with their complaints.
  • You: It sounds like an obvious question, but why are you fed up with their complaints?
  • Prospect: I just want them to get on with their work and stop hassling me with questions and complaints all the time.
  • You: It sounds like you have a lot of frustration there. Why is solving that important to you?
  • Prospect: Because I'm trying to build a business here, and my staff are holding me back.
  • You: So your staff are holding you back, because their technology is holding them back. Would you agree with that?

Written down, that looks like bad dialogue from a cheap novel 😃

Yet in your own words as part of a natural conversation, it's a very powerful tool to understand what they really want, and why it's so important to them.

And in one short conversation, you've moved the prospect.

From "I just need this solution" to uncovering their real desire... "I want you to remove any technology blocks so I can grow my business".

Understanding that helps you close the sale and better serve the client, right?

Do you use the Five Whys in your sales?