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MSP marketing:
Start Here

An easy 3 step lead generation system any MSP can use.
Book 1 in the MSP Marketing Made Easy series

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“Breaking it down into manageable levels with a process we can follow”

Ross White - Amazon review

“Great quick read on MSP’s marketing”

Megan Killion - Amazon review

“The clearest and most concise guide to finding new MSP clients”

Jim - Amazon review

“This is an exciting addition to his arsenal of knowledge! Thanks, Paul”

Jolandi - Amazon review

Hey, Paul Green here

I get it. You enjoy logical tech work… and marketing seems like a dark art. It’s the total opposite of what you’re good at.

The problem is this: If you own an MSP, you must do marketing to generate leads, win new clients, pay your staff more, and make lots of profit… so you can have a GREAT lifestyle.

My new book has the answer. Inside, I lay out an easy 3 step lead generation system that’s been field tested by hundreds of MSPs across the globe.

If you’re not a ‘book person’, don’t worry. It’s a fun and easy read, and I’ve written it just like we’re having a chat. And it's designed to be a 60 min read.

Hey, Paul Green here

I get it. You enjoy logical tech work… and marketing seems like a dark art. It’s the total opposite of what you’re good at.

The problem is this: If you own an MSP, you must do marketing to generate leads, win new clients, pay your staff more, and make lots of profit… so you can have a GREAT lifestyle.

My new book has the answer. Inside, I lay out an easy 3 step lead generation system that’s been field tested by hundreds of MSPs across the globe.

If you’re not a ‘book person’, don’t worry. It’s a fun and easy read, and I’ve written it just like we’re having a chat. And it's designed to be a 60 min read.

MSP marketing: Start Here

Marketing stack

If your referrals have dried up, this book gives you easy tasks to generate leads

I lay out an easy 3 step lead generation system that’s been field tested by hundreds of MSPs across the globe. 80% of MSPs don’t do any proactive marketing (because they find it difficult).

Which means the MSP who sets up a solid marketing system is giving themselves an unfair advantage. Read this book and that can be you.

“Great book from the go-to MSP marketing expert, packed with actionable tips and tricks to help you get started with your marketing!”
Ian Luckett - Amazon review
“Love this. I've been in the MSP world for a while and been using some of Paul's services for about a year. A kick up the **** for MSPs that can't get started.”
Ben Fielding - Amazon review
“There is a simplicity in Paul Green's system, and if you run an IT business, I'd highly recommend you read this book to learn more. It really is powerful advice.”
Richard Tubb - Amazon review

About the author

Paul Green is the world’s go to MSP marketing expert. Based in the UK, he works with more than 700 MSPs all over the world.

He’s been helping MSPs improve their marketing and generate more leads with the MSP Marketing Edge since 2016.

A former journalist and radio presenter, he hosts the world’s most popular podcast on MSP marketing: Search for Paul Green's MSP Marketing podcast where you listen to podcasts.

About the author

Paul Green is the world’s go to MSP marketing expert. Based in the UK, he works with more than 700 MSPs all over the world.

He’s been helping MSPs improve their marketing and generate more leads with the MSP Marketing Edge since 2016.

A former journalist and radio presenter, he hosts the world’s most popular podcast on MSP marketing: Paul Green’s MSP Marketing Podcast (find it on your preferred podcast platform).