Right now, the chances are high that there’s a journalist sat inside one of your local newspapers or radio stations with their head in their hands. (If you’re an IT …
Set yourself apart with clear marketing differentiation
Do you know what really makes your business different all of the others that prospective clients can choose from? Let me tell what doesn’t make it different. It’s NOT that …
Making the transition from supplier to Trusted Partner
There are only three ways to grow your business: 1) Get more clients 2) Get those clients to buy more often 3) Get those clients to spend more every time …
Upgrade your website to tell prospects what makes you a better choice than all of the other IT support companies
There’s nothing more depressing for me than looking at the home page of a IT support website and seeing a headline that says “Welcome to XYZ IT support”. Or worse, …
Generate as many new clients as you need using 21st century marketing methods
Most IT support businesses use something called one step marketing. The step is simple, you get someone’s attention and then you try to sell them something. Attention -> Sale You …