If you're stuck in paradise, take these books

[Video] 2 great books to take on holiday

Paul GreenUncategorized


Handy calculator: Why your marketing MUST be more than just new clients

Paul GreenUncategorized

For years I have banged on about marketing being a lot more than just getting new clients. It’s about keeping them and getting them to choose to spend more as …

MSP: The Easy Upsell

I wrote a little play, called “MSP: The Easy Upsell”

Paul GreenUncategorized

I wrote a little play. I call it MSP: The Easy Upsell. And you have a starring role. Here’s the script. STAGE DIRECTION: The scene opens in your client’s office. …

You should only do, what only you can do

The wonderful power of DOA (not Dead On Arrival)

Paul GreenUncategorized

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Fire a client

It’s time to fire that bad client

Paul GreenUncategorized

Kicked when they are down

Kick your MSP competitor when they’re down

Paul GreenUncategorized

So 99 times out of 100, when you win a new client, you’re taking them from another MSP. Let’s call them the incumbent. I’ll get into the reasons why people …

Book recommendation: Making cash flow less stressful

Paul GreenUncategorized

3 steps to a holiday

How to take a 3 week holiday with no calls from the office

Paul GreenUncategorized

At my MSP Mastermind a few weeks ago, one of my clients was talking about the three week break he’d recently taken from his business. His trip abroad was a …