Before a decision maker can make a decision about buying from you, they must first become aware of you, then seriously consider you as an option. Here are 8 ways to achieve that
You've heard of the "customer journey", right? It's what people go through before they make what's known as a considered purchase.
That definitely includes purchasing managed services, as it's a difficult and complex thing for them to buy. And for you to sell.
Before they can make a decision about buying from you, they first must become aware of you and seriously consider you as an option.
Here are 4 touchpoints to improve awareness
✅ Regular LinkedIn posts: Share content that educates, entertains, or highlights common pain points. Videos and stories work better than plain text.
✅ Original blogs on your site: Answer the questions clients often ask you. Solve problems before they even know your name. You can repurpose these into LinkedIn Newsletters.
✅ Engaging visuals: Infographics or quick explainer videos grab attention and simplify complex technology topics.
✅ Go networking: Networking done properly is farming. People you meet today could send a piece of business to you next year. Build relationships, don't just go hunting for revenue.
And 4 more to encourage consideration
✅ Case studies: Tell real world stories about how you’ve solved technology problems—people are more influenced by what your clients say, than what you say.
✅ Email drip campaigns: Deliver thoughtful and helpful content to their inbox. Never sell. Educate.
✅ Comparison guides on your site: Help prospects see what sets you apart from the competition. If writing about your competitors seems like a nuts idea... read this book.
✅ Run webinars: People who run webinars are more likely to be perceived as experts. It's why I'm writing a tech webinar outline for my MSP Marketing Edge members.
How many of these are you using?