Keen to grow your MSP? Always have an audiobook on the go... here are 3 that have blown my mind after 12 years of listening
Next week I celebrate the 12th anniversary of a deep and satisfying love affair that has kept me totally captivated.
This one...

I'm literally never without an audiobook. I have a queue of them waiting to be listened to, or re-listened to. In fact, in researching this newsletter I've re-downloaded some of my early listens 😃
I listen while driving, walking and running. Any time I'm alone and doing something I don't need my brain for, there's a book happening in my ears (or a podcast... I can highly recommend this one).
About two thirds are business and marketing books, the rest sci-fi or Jack Reacher.
This was my first ever audio book...

There are dozens and dozens I could recommend to you. Instead, let me throw out 3 of my favourites. All MSPs should listen to these. Including you.
In no particular order...